Monday, April 30, 2012

Just under the gun...

I thought when I originally posted my manifesto of "At least one post per week" that not only would I exceed that, but one post per week was pretty weak.  Well, here we are, Monday night around 10-something and I'm racing to fulfill my promise.  Ah, the power of Resistance.  Needless to say, I am here! 

Since I'm late, what should have been last weeks post will address taking chances and stepping into your own.  When I started to pursue acting, I always felt I needed to learn more before I could consider myself even a basic actor.  I was ALL about the learning.  And while I feel it is important to learn and hone your craft, whatever that may be, at some point it begins to be less about the learning and more about the avoiding.  There is a safety in being an eternal student and it can hold you back from going out there to pursue what it was you were learning about in the first place.  I now recognize how self-defeating it can be to always think that someone else knows more than you do.  It takes balls (or ovaries as the case may be) to throw yourself out there and take a chance, even if you aren't 100% sure you know what you're doing.  This is something I always admired in others but was hesitant about when it came to me and my goals.  I finally reached a point where I realized that in order to truly understand what I learned, I needed to apply it.  Sounds simple, right?  Ha!

Letting go of the idea of being "less than" is so important to moving forward.  (In that vein, there's a great post on "Purpose Fairy" that really addresses this: )  Needless to say, when I started to let go and take action, I felt sooo much better.  I got new headshots, updated my listings on casting sites, took a bunch of workshops with casting agents, etc., etc.  I am taking charge and moving forward.  Who knows where is it will lead but either way I am embracing where I am now, instead of where I think I should be.  And that is the greatest lesson of all....

**On a different note, since this is an LA blog, I recommend checking out the new MOCA exhibit downtown "The Painting Factory: Abstraction After Warhol"  It's a fun exhibit and shows some lesser known Warhol pieces as well as some really great newer artists.  Love it, hate it, decide for yourself.  (The above pic is with my friend Agnes in front of one of  Warhols' giant Rorschach paintings)

1 comment:

  1. Thoughtful, personal in a way the reader can relate, and full of wisdom....keep it up!...looking forward to the next post.
