Monday, June 25, 2012

"Oh-kay, here's the situation...." DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince

Going cheesy old school here with my return to blog-dom, but it was me who went away on an extended vacation. I actually did go away and then.....excuses, excuses.  Sorry for not holding true to my word and letting inertia take over. But I'm back, so we'll start anew our relationship, my blog and I. Ok?  Here goes....

Remember how I mentioned people are always telling me how I should be a writer? Well, apparently it's in my chart. Seriously. I realize this sounds a bit self-serving: "Of course you love my writing, it's pre-ordained!" but I went to see a Vedic Astrologer (I did say this was an LA-based blog, yes?) and one of the things he told me was that I am a good writer (!) but that it would be difficult for me because I have a lot of obstacles in my chart (no shit, I've been livin' with them).  It was yet another sign to push through my fears and get writing already.

[Sidebar: If you're interested in Vedic Astrology, which I didn't even know existed until my neighbor introduced me to it (love this town), then check out his website It's pretty informative. Apparently he is one of the formost Vedic Astrologers in the country and I have to say it was a fairly mind-blowing experience.]

Therefore, in the interest of moving forward and eliminating fear, I have decided to not stress about writing some life-altering tome every time I post (which is pretty obstacle-inducing and sets me up NOT to write). Instead, I'm going to allow myself to write whatever and just let it flow. I think part of the issue here is putting it out there, letting myself be open and (potentially) judged. (I judge myself enough on my own, thank-you-very-much).  If you let it out, then it exists for others to see and I am not really comfortable with that. No take-backs. But not letting it out, whatever "it" is, has not been very healthy or productive either so what the hell, might as well go for it.

Now, on to the actual fun stuff...

LA is a pretty quirky town, which is why I love it so much. All kinds of freaks live here, including yours truly. Now, that argument could be made for plenty of cities but in my opinion LA has a special kind of freaky-ness that makes it unique. Today I am going to address some of the wacky signage that I have encountered while out and about.

Let's start with the first sign that got me to start documenting this phenomena:

Only here would a sign for alcoholic beverages be represented by a glass of champagne (note the tiny bubbles escaping from the glass).  Brilliant!

Next we have this:

Really? Don't put random body parts in a "nonoperational" dumbwaiter? I shudder to think of the person who did which necessitated the putting up of this sign.

Here's a sort of tryptic:

Weed? Check. Botox? Check. Toe Rings? Check, check. Apartment located 10 feet from this bounty? Quadruple check.  Let your new life in Venice Beach begin...

This one is a bit more situational:

Now, in and of itself, not chuckle inducing.  What is chuckle inducing, however, is the fact that it's posted outside of a club. Which has bands playing inside. Rather LOUDLY.  I guess the message is: "We can play loud shit inside this club, but please refrain to a whisper when you find yourself outside of said club, probably fairly inebriated, and chain-smoking cigarettes at 2 in the morning..." Just sayin'.

This one was near my yoga studio:

Guess we know at least one person's opinion about parking in the red zone.

Lastly, lest you think I do not recognize the fact that quirky signage is not the sole domain of LA, here are some lovely examples I shot while in Maine last fall:

I don't even know what the hell this means, but I'll be sure to avoid accessing the void space anytime soon...

This one is a nice example of remembering it's not just cars that are on the roads in Maine:

Did we leave anything out?  Big wheels? Roller bladers? Guess if you're not on this list then I don't have to share the road with you.  Sweet!

Last but not least, my personal fav:

Well, that's no fun.  And the person making this sign might have wanted to put down that fat spliff they were smokin' since it looks like not only is this a "DRUG FREE VESSEL" but an "ANCHORLESS" one as well.  Guess we're not docking anytime soon....which really sucks since you can't have any drugs on you to while away the time on your apparently never-ending voyage....

And thus concludes this weeks blog!  Until we meet again, stay frosty people....

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