Friday, October 30, 2009

Diving right in...

To be willing to die for an idea is to set a rather high price on conjecture.
- Anatole France


This is my first blog ever so I guess I have joined the 21st Century. My friend Alex is putting up her first blog as a matter of fact, right next to me. How modern of us - we are together, hanging out, and tapping away separately on our computers. Ah, to be a city dweller. So, as I keep typing/erasing/typing/erasing (what do I really want to say anyway?) I keep thinking about how I could never figure out why people blogged to begin with - seems so strange to empty out your everyday random thoughts onto a page and put it out there for the "world" to read and yet here I am, joining the fray.

Well, since this is La-La land centric, let me you give you a little current Geography: i'm typing out this here post in the heart of K-Town, after having eaten some mighty tasty "Kyo Chon" chicken. Check out this site, some things are definitely lost in translation.

I'm an actress (really? in Los Angeles? You don't say) and now I can add blogger to my ever-expanding list of skills......sigh...

Saw a good show this weekend that my friend was in: Private Eyes (I was waiting for them to play Hall and Oates but I guess that would be too on the nose). It was actually really good (thank god) and the story was funny. LA is not a theatre town like NY or even Chicago, for example. There's a lot of it (hell, this is a town filled with actors, right?) and to be honest a lot of it is simply about people getting out there so some agent/manage/guru/savior can see them and tell them 'You're it!' which tends to produce some pretty puerile stuff.......therefore, it's either big-name productions that originate elsewhere (i.e. NY) or small 99-seat theatre stuff that tends to be...."interesting"...if you catch my drift. The upside is that you can get out there and just put up a show without a lot of capital since there are so many small theatres around town. We got a lot of strip-mall theatre out here, which is about as american as you can get (at least in my world)...

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